

AGRIMELT                               AGRIMELT 55                                       AGRIMELT S                               Material Safety Data Sheet


Agrimelt 55 is an all-natural, agricultural product derived from renewable resources and features versatile ice control performance when mixed with chloride brines. Agrimelt55 not only lowers the freezing point of the brine, but also reduces salt-induced corrosion. When used with rock salt, Agrimelt 55 can reduce your salt requirements by 30%.  Agrimelt 55 passes the strict laboratory requirements of the Pacific Northwest Snowfighters.

Typical Properties

Appearance Brown
Dry Solids 55%
Specific Gravity's Range 1.275 +/- .02
pH Range 7-9
Freezing Point -35 °C (-31°F)
Water Miscibility: Complete


Agrimelt55 can be used as-is for excellent freeze protection for salt and bulk material stockpiles. Agrimelt 55 can also be mixed with a salt solution, creating a highly effective solution for anti-icing and pre-wetting applications. All suggested usage levels should be considered as starting points and should be adjusted as needed to meet local conditions such as current and forecasted road and surface temperatures, precipitation, traffic volume, etc.

Anti-Icing and Pre-Wetting

Agrimelt 55 can be blended with your preferred chloride brine when used
  for anti-icing/pre-wetting.
- Apply 60-100 litres/lane kilometre for Anti-icing using a stream nozzle.
- Apply 20-42 litres/tonne at the spinner for pre-wetting sand and/or salt.

- Prevents snow and ice from bonding to the pavement when used as an anti-icing agent.
- Reduces the corrosive properties of the salt.
- Reduces bounce and scatter losses during application from 30% loss down to only 4%loss.
- Jumpstarts the de-icing process.

Stockpile Treatment

Apply at 17-25 litres per tonne of salt and 17-25 litres per tonne of sand.

- Keeps stockpile free flowing. Prevents freezing or chunking.
- reduces corrosive properties of salt.
- enhances the de-icing performance of dry salt/sand.
- Reduces bounce and scatter losses during application from 30% loss
  down to only 4% loss.
- More active ice melting ingredient.


Agrimelt 55 is designed to enhance traditional chloride brines in most existing equipment. When mixed with brine, Agrimelt 55 allows the de-icing solution to perform for longer durations due to its higher concentrations of solids. Performance equivalent to that of traditional chloride brines can be achieved with lesser amounts of Agrimelt 55. This means more lane kilometres per truckload with less equipment corrosion. Agrimelt 55 also acts as a freeze point depressant lowering the eutectic of the original solution making de-icing possible at lower temperatures.


The information and recommendations in this publication are, to the best of the sellers knowledge, accurate. however, because of numerous factors affecting test results, seller makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, other than the product conforms to its applicable current standard specifications. Statements concerning the use of the products or formulations described herein are not to be construed as recommending the infringement of any patent.

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